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Chennai Metro Water: The Lifeline of Chennai

  • September 30, 2024
  • 5 min read
Chennai Metro Water: The Lifeline of Chennai

Chennai Metro Water: Water is one of the most valuable assets that can be in the world currently. It would be impossible to live without it. Now, one can imagine the task of controlling water supply and sewage system in a populated city like Chennai. The Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board referred as Chennai Water. Moreover, it is the organization ensure that water supplies the city. Furthermore, it also has to take care of the sewerage management of the city. It endeavours day and night for the provision of clean and portable water and equal hard work in the provision and maintenance or sewerage system for the expanding population of Chennai.

The Role of Chennai Metro Water

Chennai Water is an essential part of the people of Chennai since it supplies them with water daily. It ensures provision of water to the various households, industries as well as the commercial business units. The organization also has roles in collection, transportation and disposal of sewage and faecal sludge. From the provision of book water to sewage tankers, to collection of water taxes, Chennai Metro Water is Chennai’s lifeline in the provision of water.

A Legacy of Service

Chennai Metro Water has been providing its service to the city of Chennai for many years. It has been established in 1978, with the stated mission of overseeing water supply as well as sewage management in the city. The organization remains adaptive by seeking to implement modern technologies and methods in response to the increasing need in the city. It means that Chennai people are assured of clean water supply in the event of water scarcity.

One of the oldest water infrastructures in Chennai is Kilpauk water works established more than 108 years ago. The fact that this facility has been supplying the city with clean water for several decades makes it clear that the issues of sustainable water supply and demand meet the Amigos de Jesus community.

Desalination Plants

Chennai often suffers from water crisis and especially in the summer period of time. In view of this wrick, Chennai Water has come up with desalination plants that accept seawater and turns it into drinking water. The Nemmeli Desalination Plant which currently provides 100 MLD (million liter per day) water desalinated.

Desalination is an important way of meeting the fresh water needs of cities which has limited sources of fresh water like Chennai. Chennai Water is still trying harder to incorporate these technologies as the demand and need for clean water increases.


Chennai gets water from following several reservoirs to provide water to the people in the city. The two major source of water provided by Chennai Metro Water are the Chembarambakkam Lake and the Redhills Reservoir. These reservoirs are very important in supplying new water in the city. 

Chembarambakkam Lake

Chembarambakkam Lake is one of the biggest water reservoirs of Chennai City. In addition to offering a water supply, it also plays a dual role when it floods during a rainfall. Chennai Water pays close attention to the water level of the lake in order to ensure that water supply in the city is adequate.

Redhills Reservoir

A similar water source of significance to Redhills Reservoir is also found in northern outskirts of the city of Chennai. It also Conservation of water harvested during the rainy season, that is, the monsoon. The Chennai Water makes sure that water from the reservoir is properly treated to be supplied to households throughout the city.

The Variety in addressing Sewerage Challenges

Besides acknowledging the steadily rising population, sewage management is the primary major issues affecting the organization. Chennai’s sewer system deals with millions of liters of wastewaters every single day. Chenna Metro Water makes sure that the aforesaid wastewater reaches the appropriate system of treatment and disposal so as to avoid water pollution and sustain cleanliness in the environment.

Mechanized Desludging of Septic Tanks

To upgrade the sanitation, Chennai Metro Water has launched the mechanized desludging of septic tanks. The provision of public health has laid down standard operating procedure for desludging.

Chennai Water also provides licenses for reception, transportation and treatment of the faecal sludge also. These licenses mean that independent contractors take charge of the sewage and sludge thereby avoiding cases of dumping.

Book a Water Tanker

Chennai experiences frequent water crises especially in hot summer periods in the year. During such times they can order water tankers through Chennai water through their official website. 

Book a Sewage Tanker

Besides water tankers, the Chennai Metro Water offers sewage tankers too. These tankers pick waste from households and ensure proper disposal of it. The “Dial for Sewer” service means that the residents are able to book these tankers for waste collection and disposal online.

Water Conservation – Need of the Hour

Thus, Chennai Metro Water is performing a big role in creating consciousness among the public a few nevertheless more serious about water usage. Many of the communities in this organization actively participate in promotion of the use of water by giving tips to the residents on how to use water sparingly. Some of the practicalities include repairing of leaks, use of water-efficient appliances, and collection of rainwater.

Rainwater Harvesting

Rain water harvesting means collection of rain water and storing it throughout in order to use it. It offers general information and recommended care instructions for those residents willing to install rainwater harvesting systems in their homes.

Chennai Metro Water
Chennai Metro Water


Chennai Metro Water plays a critical role in managing the city’s water and sewage systems. From providing clean drinking water to managing wastewater, the organization ensures that Chennai’s residents have access to essential services. With its commitment to innovation, transparency, and sustainability, Chennai Metro Water continues to be a trusted partner in the city’s development.

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