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Resumeworded : Creating ATS Friendly Resumes

  • September 26, 2024
  • 5 min read
Resumeworded : Creating ATS Friendly Resumes

What is the most important factor needed to get a job? Many people who are well qualified and even have the skills still get rejected. Have you ever wondered or experienced why that happens? Well, most of the times the reason is poorly structured resume. In the present times, the market is so competitive, that having a poor resume can cost an opportunity. Therefore, it is candidates’ huge loss if they have an unclear or poorly structured resume. Hence, having a properly structured and appealing resume is a crucial thing. Moreover, to help job seekers to structure their resume properly, there are several online tools. One of these tools are Resumeworded. This tool has gained a lot of popularity in recent times. Furthermore, it is a tool which is AI powered. It helps job seekers to create a profile that might attract and appeal employers. Thus, enhancing their overall employability.

This particular blog post is dedicated to inform you guys about this AI powered tool. In this informative article, we will discuss the features and benefits of this tool. However, along with many advantages, the platform also has some limitations. Thus, we will be discussing the negative aspects too so as to provide the accurate and unbiased information. Furthermore, we will also let you know who all can use this tool to get its benefits. Therefore, if you guys are struggling to create a structured profile, read this article in a thorough way.

Overview : What is Resumeworded ?

It is an AI powered tool which helps job seekers to create a structured a optimized profiles to enhance their employability. Since, many job seekers do not know how to create their resumes and they lack professionalism while doing that, the tool helps them to build a strong one. Moreover, it also helps to improve the quality of LinkedIn profiles. Furthermore, people often make this mistake of not creating a relevant resume according to the job they’re applying for. However, the tool helps them to create relevant resumes.

Additionally, the system that is used to scan and filter the resumes is ATS. Thus, the tool we are talking about helps job seekers to customise their resumes so that they’re suitable as per ATS. Resumes that are suitable as per ATS have more chances of getting noticed. Therefore, it increases the chances of people to get a job.

Characteristics of Resumeworded

The tool offers so many features that ultimately help job seekers to increase their chances of employability. Let us discuss these characteristics so as to know more about this AI empowered tool.

  • Compatibility with ATS – As we discussed in the previous section, ATS  which stands for Applicant Tracking System is used to filter the resumes. Therefore, the foremost focus of resume-worded is to make the resumes compatible with ATS. Moreover, resumes often do not even reach the hands of employers because they get rejected in ATS scans. Therefore, this tool helps to solve the issue to increase the visibility your profile.
  • Scoring Resumes – Job seekers can upload their resumes and they can get a well explained analysis. Moreover, the users get to know the strengths and weaknesses of their resumes. Furthermore, four factors that the score depends upon are – action verbs, formatting, relevance and readability. Thus, higher the score, higher the chances to pass ATS scans.
  • Tailored Suggestions – The tool gives suggestions that are tailored according to user’s needs. Moreover, it focuses on how relevant the resume is to the job the seeker is applying for. For a particular job, and a particular role, the tool gives particular solutions. Therefore, it’s safe to say that this AI tool focuses on creating resumes based on the requirements of the job.
  • LinkedIn Profile – Along with reviews on resumes, the tool reviews the LinkedIn profiles too. Moreover, LinkedIn is a popular and important platform for professional networking. Therefore, to enhance the networking on that platform, it is necessary to have a suitable and effective profile. Hence, the tool makes a difference in profiles by providing effective suggestions on how to enhance the profile.

Benefits of Resumeworded

  • By turning the resumes into ATS friendly, the tools increases the chances of visibility.
  • The suggestions are fact and data-based. Therefore, it only suggests what is required to get a job in present times.
  • Saves time as resume building is a time consuming process. However, it helps to build a strong resume with AI.
  • Improves the professional aspect of the resume.

Limitations of Resumeworded

  • Cost of subscription
  • Feedbacks are automated
  • Cannot replace the personalised touch.

Potential Beneficiaries

  • Those who are looking for a job
  • Those who want to enhance their LinkedIn profile
  • Those who want to change their field of career.


Resumeworded is an AI powered tool that helps job seekers to build a strong resume. Moreover, it focuses primarily on four factors – readability, formatting, relevance and action verbs. By focusing on these factors, the tool helps job seekers to create a relevant profile. Furthermore, it also helps to enhance LinkedIn profiles. Additionally, passing ATS scans becomes easier with this tool. Hence, improving the overall employability.

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